Saturday, June 30, 2007

QT with the TKDs

Baker Beach, a short walk from my current residence. Christine and I walked the dogs here my second day back (the first day was way too jet-lagged to do anything as responsible as taking photos).

In San Francisco, staying with the lovely and hospitable Janet, Tom and Christine. With Christine just back from South Africa we've skewed the Dorman cousin average to being back in the states, as opposed to abroad -- a slight disappointment. We've also spent serious time being jet-lagged -- Thursday was the day to end all days, the longest day ever, the day I time-traveled (read, up for 32 hours straight; left Korea at 10AM and arrived in San Fran at 9AM. Insert twilight zone theme here.)

I'm having another zen of travel moments here -- it seems the perfect fit -- recovering from the jet lag with extended family (ie no motherly nagging... sorry mom). Time here entails a lot of reminicising of stories from 20-40 years ago -- hearing about my parents before they became my parents, having a different perspective of stories I had heard forever ago (kinda like a new feminist awakening, except dorman-centered), talking about future plans (or the lack thereof -- don't ask me yet. I'm still traveling, damnit!). Basically, feeling safe and warm and comfortable in a home. Yay.

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