Monday, May 7, 2007

Where I've Wanted To Be

That's where I am now -- where I've wanted to be. I'm on a farm (small one, but definitely a farm). There are pigs and chickens (called chooks here), a bunny-eating cat, fruit and fejoia trees (aka one of the tastiest fruits ever -- looks kinda like a small green avocado and tastes like a citrusy kiwi), lots of greens, multiples types of beets, a tree made windblock, gray-water system... sigh.

I'm staying with a young family who's doing their best to live the sustainable lifestyle (which is near impossible in any western country, but its heartening to see some try valiantly). There are two young kids (2 & 4) so I've been putting my nannying skills to use -- although they're both boys, which I'm less familiar with -- something tells me they won't be into dance parties as much as my former small child companion.

Diversions diversions. I arrived here (Taranaki) just yesterday and spent the afternoon at the Environment Centre -- where both parents work (part time - yes!) as coordinators/educators of sustainability in the local schools. Needless to say, I'm happy. And content. I worked outside today and have dirt under my fingernails. I'm definitely here for the next two weeks (4 weeks left in the land of the Kiwis) and I may stay on the rest of my time, depending on how things go. There's a bike here I can use -- and a massive mountain just south of the house (that I'm itching to hike -- havent really hiked since dad left). Oh and Sundays are spent at the local farmers market, that was recently initiated by my female host.

Hope all is well back in the states -- send me emails! I know everyone has their important and busy lives, but I'd always appreciate a note from my loved ones back stateside.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd love to see photos of the place and the animals, sounds really great